Blog posts by Jennie Wadsten Sharma

yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Summer Rest

✨ Free Audio✨ SUMMER REST & In English and Swedish Here’s part 4 in the series of Yoga Nidra for every season, this time focusing on summer.  ♡ I want to take this opportunity thank you for all the AMAZING emails I get regarding the Yoga Nidra recordings. It means

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Spring Rest & Self-Compassion

✨ Free Audio✨ SPRING REST & SELF COMPASSION  In English and Swedish I’ve recorded another audio for you… ♡This Nidra is not only focuses on rest – but also on flowing with our feelings and strengthening our resilience. Spring can be filled with both excitement – and fatigue. In this

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Script: Spring Rest & Self-Compassion

✨ Free Script ✨ SPRING REST  In English and Swedish I’m so happy to hear that you find the scripts so useful! Here’s another free script in the series of seasons: this time focusing on spring – and also self-compassion.  Spring can be filled with both excitement – and fatigue. In

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yoga themes

Yoga Theme: FOCUS

✨ Theme 2: Focus✨ Inspiration for yoga teachers to elevate your yoga classes Here’s a summary in bullet points. Pick and choose what resonates with you, to create your own classes. Remember: keep it simple: it’s better to talk less and give the students more time for reflection, than to

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yoga blog

How to stay focused: part 2

✨ This is a game changer! ✨ Struggling to stay focused? You’re not alone. I just spoke with a brain researcher about the negative impact social media has on our focus – but I don’t want to ditch social media (because it’s not ALL bad) so instead – let’s look

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yoga blog

How to stay focused: part 1

✨ You know that feeling when you’re on your yoga mat and you just can’t seem to focus? ✨ Today I spent my whole practice mentally writing emails and going through to-do lists. I was totally in my head – not in my body! It’s frustrating when the mind wanders

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Winter Rest

✨ Free Audio: WINTER REST ✨ In English and Swedish Here’s a Nidra to support you during the winter season. We’ll tune into the magic of winter: a time of deep and nurturing rest. All you have to do is lie down in a comfortable position and rest and I

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Script: Winter Rest

✨ Free Script: WINTER REST ✨ In English and Swedish Thank you all for the wonderful emails and messages about the Yoga Nidra scripts! It means a lot that you like them so much and find them so useful!  Here’s another free script, this time focusing on winter.  (Also available:

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Autumn Rest

✨ Free Audio: AUTUMN REST ✨ In English and Swedish Does Autumn make you feel tired, low or stressed?  Here’s a Yoga Nidra for you. The aim is to calm the nervous system and release tension so that you can sleep well and get more energy. I hope you’ll find

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yoga blog

Free Yoga Nidra Script: Autumn Rest

✨ Free Script: AUTUMN REST ✨ In English and Swedish Hi there! I absolutely love Yoga Nidra and my intention with sharing free Yoga Nidra scripts is to support and inspire other teachers. Here’s another free script, this time focusing on autumn.  I’ll add more seasons over time and I’ll

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yoga blog

Courage is an action, not just a feeling

✨ Courage is an action ✨ How yoga can help us cultivate courage  Have you ever felt fear is holding you back from following your dream? Or even doing things in your everyday life that takes you closer to what’s important to you? Such as speaking in front of other

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yoga themes


✨ Theme 1: Transitions✨ Inspiration for yoga teachers to elevate your yoga classes Here’s a summary in bullet points. Pick and choose what resonates with you, to create your own classes. Remember: keep it simple: it’s better to talk less and give the students more time for reflection, than to

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